I tried hypnotherapy for the first time!


I’m a person who always had quite unusual interests; Law of Attraction, witchcraft, crystal energy, natural remedies, exploring different religions such as Buddhism, taking parts in rituals from different cultures so when the opportunity to try hypnosis was given to me I simply couldn’t wait!

Honestly, I’m still sort of on a cloud 9 after my hypnotherapy session. I was in a very safe hands of an experienced hypnotherapist Cathy Barrow and I could not ask for a better person to experience this with.

Brain is the most powerful and magical organ in our bodies. We only use 20% of our brain capacity on a daily basis so imagine what we could achieve with the remaining 80%? There are numbers of ways on how to access our subconsciousness and hypnosis is one of them. The key to hypnosis is repetition – we learn through repeating the information. So to simply put it you can reprogram your mind with daily affirmations and totally change of your mindset!

The session started off with Reiki breathing techniques that helped me to calm down and get to a more relaxed state. Then we proceeded to start the hypnosis by first simple exercise where I focused all my attention on my hand and as Cathy was repeating the commands, my fingers started tingling and my hand touched my face – and I wasn’t controlling it. Afterwards, we moved onto the exciting part of the hypnosis – accessing and exploring my brain and thoughts. Firstly, Cathy coached me with repetitive suggestions, then she proceeded with a number of different exercises where I had to imagine different scenarios and fully try & connect with my subconsciousness.

I had quite important questions that I’ve been struggling with finding answers for. I simply felt a bit lost and needed some positive guidance. I needed to make peace with myself and that session allowed me do that and more! The whole experience was just unreal to me! I felt so many emotions from sadness, compassion for myself to happiness, peace and calmness. We made a very good connection with Cathy as I could follow the instructions even before she said them out loud. I managed to access different levels of my imagination and subconsciousness and find the answers I was looking for.

The most memorable part of that session was, when Cathy asked me to imagine myself in 6 months, 1 year and 2 years time. I could see it very clearly – just snippets of everyday life but with so much detail like I was physically there. These images in my head gave me the answers of what I’ll do and where I’ll be. Honestly, this was one of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced. It really opened my mind and shifted me on the next level of mindfulness.

Ever since the session I practice Reiki breathing every morning and that sets my mood beautifully. We really underestimate the power of breathing. Simply giving yourself a time to relax and focus on this most basic physical activity – it can make all the difference. It allows us to reconnect with ourselves, take a step back and unwind, clear the mind, stop thinking just for a minute and just sit in stillness. It’s absolutely beautiful feeling – the absence of thoughts. Just you being present in that moment. I can’t recommend it enough to anyone!

If you want to quit smoking, overcome anxiety, have low self-esteem, or have any sort of fear (flying/public speaking) Cathy can help you!

Winter sun photoshoot

At the beginning of this year I did my first photoshoot with Brett Hutt and I thought I’d share my fav snaps with you! Brett is a very talented guy and he made me feel super comfortable and relaxed and this shoot was pure fun – even though I was standing in short sleeve in 4 degrees hahanice3DSC_3356DSC_3393DSC_3542nice1nice5nice6

Hope you enjoy! The outfit details are:

Skirt – Primark

T-shirt – Pull and Bear

Beret – Zara

Jacket – eBay

Wiza Work and Holiday 462 do Australii – jak zdobyć?

Od kiedy zostalam szczesliwa posiadaczka WHV (Work and Holiday Visa), duzo osob pytalo mnie jak ja zdobylam, kiedy aplikowalam, ile to trwalo, co zrobilam z ubezpieczeniem itd. Postanowilam wiec podzielic sie moim doswiadczeniem i wiedza. Szczegolnie ze Lipiec nadchodzi duzymi krokami i nowa pula – 500 wiz – bedzie dostepna od 1 Lipca. Chcialabym pomoc jak najwiekszej liczbie osob otrzymac te wize w sposob latwy i przyjemny tak jak mi sie to udalo:) Musze dodac, ze ja o wize zaaplikowalam w Styczniu tego roku z racji tego ze Polska podpisala nowa umowe z Australia i otrzymalismy 300 dodatkowych wiz. Czyli 500 rocznie whoohoo! Mialam to szczescie ze wizy nie rozeszly sie do tego czasu. No to zaczynamy!

Wymagania aby aplikowac o wize:

  1. Musimy byc pomiedzy 18-30 rokiem zycia,
  2. Nie towarzysza Wam dzieci ktore sa zalezne finansowo od Was
  3. Posiadac wyzsze wyksztalcenie lub ukonczone przynajmniej 2 lata studiow licencjackich
  4. Dowod znajomosci jezyka Angielskiego
  5. Posiadac 5000 AUD (ok 13,000 zl) jako zabezpieczenie na wlasne utrzymanie w przypadku nie podjecia zatrudnienia w Australii oraz bilet powrotny lub srodki na bilet powrotny/wyjazd poza granice Australii (dodatkowe 500+ AUD)
  6. Przebywac poza granicami Australii w momencie skladania aplikacji oraz spelniac wymogi zdrowotne (opisane w aplikacji)

Lista potrzebnych dokumentow:

  1. Wypelniona i wydrukowana aplikacja 1208
  2. Przetlumaczony akt urodzenia/lub oficjalna, kolorowa kopie dowodu osobistego
  3. Przetlumaczony dyplom ukonczenia studiow
  4. Certyfikat znajomosci jezyka (IELTS/TOEFL/CAE itd.)
  5. List od Ministerstwa Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Spolecznej.
  6. Przetlumaczony wyciag z konta bankowego potwierdzajacy posiadanie wymaganej kwoty 5000 AUD + extra pieniadze na bilet powrotny lub wyjazd z Aus
  7. Oficjalna, kolorowa kopia paszportu (waznego co najmniej 6 miesiecy)
  8. 2 zdjecia paszportowe, podpisane z tylu + data urodzenia

W moim przypadku proces byl bardzo latwy, poniewaz mieszkam w Anglii nie musialam praktycznie nic tlumaczyc (oprocz aktu urodzenia – poniewaz zgubilam moj dowod osobisty;)) Jesli studiowaliscie poza granicami kraju (np. UK/USA/Kanada) w jezyku Angielskim nie musicie przedstawiac certyfikatu jezykowego poniewaz Wasz Angielski dyplom automatycznie jest dowodem znajomosci jezyka. Nie wiem dokladnie jak jest z dyplomami z innych krajow – tutaj trzeba byloby zasiegnac informacji w ambasadzie. Oficjalne kopie zdobylam na poczcie – Royal Mail oferuje serwis potwierdzania autentycznosci dokumentow za oplata £15. Nie wiem dokladnie jak jest w Polsce ale domyslam sie ze podobnie.

Bardzo przydatny jest numer Europe Service Centre +44 (0) 2074203690 (numer do Londynu) Gdzie mozna zasiegnac informacji w jez. Angielskim od 13-16 (BST) od Poniedzialku do Piatku.

WAZNE INFO: od 14 Maja 2018 wszystkie telefony beda kierowane do Australii (co potencjalnie znaczy wiekszy koszt rozmowy) a ESC zostanie zamkniete.

Oplata za wize – 440 AUD (ok 1163 zl) musi byc uiszczona za pomoca karty kredytowej. Karty debetowe generalnie nie sa akceptowane. Aby zaplacic za wize wypelniacie odpowiednia sekcje w aplikacji. Jesli uzywacie czyjas karte kredytowa ta osoba musi podpisac upowaznienie (zalaczone w aplikacji).
Pamietajcie o posiadaniu odpowiedniej kwoty na koncie + dodatkowych pieniadzach na rozne oplaty tzw.handling fees oraz poinforowaniu banku o takiej transakcji (czasami banki blokuja zagraniczne transakcje co moze niestety zawazyc na Waszej wizie).

Kiedy wszystkie dokumenty macie juz skompletowane pakujecie je do koperty i wysylacie kurierem do Berlina. W tym roku 1 Lipiec wypada w Niedziele wiec mozecie dokumenty wyslac w Piatek i upewnic sie ze beda dostarczone w Poniedzialek (nastepny dzien roboczy po Piatku) przed 9 rano. Wtedy macie najwieksze szanse byc w szczesliwej 500 🙂

Adres Australijskiej Ambasady w Berlinie:

Australian Embassy Berlin
Visa Office
Wallstrasse 76-79
D-10179 Berlin,
Germany (Niemcy)

Ogolny koszt: £453 (ok. 2190zl)

  1. Zdjecia paszportowe £6
  2. Oficjalne kopie dokumentow – £15
  3. Tlumaczenie przysiegle aktu urodzenia – £17
  4. Wiza 440 – £240 + fees ok £10
  5. Kurier do Berlina – £25
  6. Ubezpieczenie na rok £140
  7. Stres w oczekiwaniu na informacje – bezcenny 😉

Ja otrzymalam Visa Grant Notification email miesiac po aplikacji. Jeden z najszczesliwych dni w moim zyciu 🙂 Warto jest zapisac sobie ten dokument w telefonie lub wydrukowac – just in case:) Wiza nadawana jest elektronicznie ale ostroznosci nigdy za wiele!
Bilet do Australii zakupiony, ubezpieczenie tez – polecam sprawdzic Alpha Travel Insurance lub Backpacker Travel Insurance a teraz czas na planowanie podrozy! Jesli macie jakies pytania, komentarze do dodania bo moze cos przeoczylam – prosze piszcie i dzielcie sie wrazeniami! Trzymam mocno kciuki za Was i do zobaczenia w Australii!

My dream is coming true!

I haven’t written any post in so long but so many things happened! Long story short in January I applied for a Work & Holiday visa to Australia and after a veeeery long month I received that email I was waiting for! I got my visa and I couldn’t be happier!
Now, not everyone knows that getting visa 452 when you’re Polish isn’t easy. The annual limit for the whole country was 200 and for the past few years ALL the visas have been granted within minutes! Basically on first come first served basis, people were literally running to the Australian Embassy in Berlin at 8am to submit their applications and get into first lucky 200.

I can honestly see now how the Universe made it happen in its divine timing.
I accidentally saw a Facebook post about additional 300 visas being added in October 2017! I panicked as I saw the post in December, called the Aussie embassy the very same day and found out the program is still open and the race against the clock started! I’ve had enough savings, British degree in the bag, met all the requirements so I only needed a letter from Polish Government and a couple of translations and I’d be ready to go. But as you know nothing is ever easy when the time is tight.  Things were getting pushed back, deliveries got massively delayed, I was calling the embassy weekly to check if I can still apply whilst waiting for these bloody documents to arrive. When I finally gathered everything I needed I sent it all by DHL as a next day delivery and waited… For 33 long days to get that longed-for email. When I received it on Monday morning just after 10am I couldn’t stop crying from happiness – IT’S HAPPENING I’M MOVING TO AUSTRALIA!

I’m turning my life upside down. Quitting a very comfortable and stable job, moving out of the nicest & cheapest room I’ve ever had in Brighton, leaving friends & family behind to move across the globe. Am I crazy? Maybe, but this is what my heart wants!
To challenge myself again, to be lost in a new city, to meet like-minded people, to pack my whole life into a backpack and don’t look back, to jump off the cliffs, to get drunk on cheap booze with fellow backpackers in shady hostels, to burn my skin in the Australian sun and feast my eyes on tropical plants in Queensland. When I was booking my one way ticket I was dancing around my room and my heart was singing! Even thinking about it makes me feel SO grateful for my life. I’m so incredibly blessed to be able to live the life exactly how I want to and where I want to.


You attract what you think of. The Universe always delivers.

First ever Glossybox

The other week I decided I fancy spending some £££ (very little:D) and restock my emptying bathroom shelves by getting totally random beauty products in a box – so here we are my first ever Glossybox. Actually first 2 boxes as they did 2 for 1 edition in July (which I believe wasn’t really free cause I paid £16.50 – so £6.50 for delivery? ummm don’t think so)
Anyways, take a look below what was in boxes and what I liked and disliked xx



(I only noticed after uploading, that one box is missing a hair brush – looks/works like Tangle Teezer but it’s a rip off obvs 🙂

So 1 box included:


Hawaiian 30SPF satin tan – it’s lovely and I really like it! great travel size 🙂

Konjac sponge – awesome totally love it and it’s really good for gentle exfoliation!

NailsInc nail polish in Kensington Gardens – hmm the RRP is £11 – in my opinion waste of money as it started coming off after 2 days, colour is nice but it felt like any cheap nail polish.

Lip tint Emite make up – described below in disliked 🙂

Detangling Hairon brush – it’s quite nice and pocket sized

2nd box included:


Hairon zero crease hair bands – well not a massive fan of these

Utan gradual face tan – this is great but gotta be really careful on hairline/eyebrows – I have yellow patches oops!

Icona Milano mascara – not a fan described below

Soft & Gentle deodorant hair minimise – I REALLY dislike this. Can’t stand the smell (very floral/cheap/alcoholy) and it doesn’t reduce the hair growth at all.

So the things I didn’t like include the mascara (that gave me massive panda eyes after few hours and it was VERY difficult to remove). It says waterproof so fair enough but it was a little bit too much that micellar water+eye make up remover barely handled it. It actually looked nice on the lashes but to be honest any mascara looks great on my lashes now after I did the treatment on them and they’re super long:) I don’t know this brand so I might research it a little bit.


and lip tint (which was totally useless for me – on cheeks it made me look like a clown, on the lips it dried them out+didn’t do anything). It smells nice, like roses and packaging is nice but naaah not a fan 🙂


Deodorant – just not for me. I’m not a fan of the smell, size and after a session at the gym I was super sweaty so for me sadly it didn’t do anything that was promised on the packaging.


Overall I liked most of the products only 3 of them were a big no-no’s for me so I think for the first experience with Glossybox it was quite successful one:) However I’m not sure if I will be repurchasing. The element of surprise is nice but most of the time you get things you would never buy/want, so for me as a one off was nice. Maybe I will try some other beauty boxes but time will show:)

Have a great day xoxo

Gig pics

I’m doing an event photography project as a part of my dissertation and here are some of the pictures. They are taken with various cameras including disposable camera from Boots to my iphone 🙂 Enjoy! x


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90s baby

collageclose up






This roll neck is the first colorful item I bought in AGES. I’m totally in love with it and these mom jeans ❤

You can watch this lookbook on Youtube click here:

& tell me what you think ❤


Stripy roll neck – H&M £14.99 (not available online)

Mom jeans – Topshop £42

Necklace – Posh Totty in silver

Shoes – Reebook oldschool £40 similar here

Beanie – Topman £7

Sunglasses – Urban Outfitters £16

Denim jacket – Topman £60