My dream is coming true!

I haven’t written any post in so long but so many things happened! Long story short in January I applied for a Work & Holiday visa to Australia and after a veeeery long month I received that email I was waiting for! I got my visa and I couldn’t be happier!
Now, not everyone knows that getting visa 452 when you’re Polish isn’t easy. The annual limit for the whole country was 200 and for the past few years ALL the visas have been granted within minutes! Basically on first come first served basis, people were literally running to the Australian Embassy in Berlin at 8am to submit their applications and get into first lucky 200.

I can honestly see now how the Universe made it happen in its divine timing.
I accidentally saw a Facebook post about additional 300 visas being added in October 2017! I panicked as I saw the post in December, called the Aussie embassy the very same day and found out the program is still open and the race against the clock started! I’ve had enough savings, British degree in the bag, met all the requirements so I only needed a letter from Polish Government and a couple of translations and I’d be ready to go. But as you know nothing is ever easy when the time is tight.  Things were getting pushed back, deliveries got massively delayed, I was calling the embassy weekly to check if I can still apply whilst waiting for these bloody documents to arrive. When I finally gathered everything I needed I sent it all by DHL as a next day delivery and waited… For 33 long days to get that longed-for email. When I received it on Monday morning just after 10am I couldn’t stop crying from happiness – IT’S HAPPENING I’M MOVING TO AUSTRALIA!

I’m turning my life upside down. Quitting a very comfortable and stable job, moving out of the nicest & cheapest room I’ve ever had in Brighton, leaving friends & family behind to move across the globe. Am I crazy? Maybe, but this is what my heart wants!
To challenge myself again, to be lost in a new city, to meet like-minded people, to pack my whole life into a backpack and don’t look back, to jump off the cliffs, to get drunk on cheap booze with fellow backpackers in shady hostels, to burn my skin in the Australian sun and feast my eyes on tropical plants in Queensland. When I was booking my one way ticket I was dancing around my room and my heart was singing! Even thinking about it makes me feel SO grateful for my life. I’m so incredibly blessed to be able to live the life exactly how I want to and where I want to.


You attract what you think of. The Universe always delivers.